OC Welcome
Welcome to the website for 1026 (Ormskirk) Squadron Royal Air Force Air Cadets. My name is Acting Pilot Officer Ben Sharman and I am the Officer Commanding of 1026 Squadron. I have been a staff member at 1026 since 2017 and gained my commission as a Royal Air Force Air Cadet Officer in 2022, having previously been a cadet for 6 years (from 2010 - 2016). I took over as the Officer Commanding 1026 in January 2023. It is a massive pleasure to be in command of such an amazing squadron full of highly dedicated cadets. My aim is to make Ormskirk Squadron not only the best squadron in Merseyside Wing, but the best in the whole Corps.
The purpose of this site is to provide you with all the information you need to know about our Squadron, whether you are interested in joining, either as a cadet or a member of staff, or are just interested in what we do.
The squadron meets every Monday and Friday evening from 7pm – 9.30pm.
We are located on Green Lane, Ormskirk, L39 1ND.
So who are the Air Cadets?
The Air Cadet Organisation (ACO) is a voluntary youth organisation sponsored by the Royal Air Force. The ACO is comprised of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) which is open for anyone to join from the age of 12 (In Year 8) to 16 years, and the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) which is school based.
The ACO is one of the country's premier youth organizations and the world's largest youth air training organisation. The cadets are supported by a dedicated team of volunteer Staff and Civilian Committee Members. For lots more information, please feel free to explore our website or follow the link to the main Air Cadet Organisation website.
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